Why This Blog?

This blog is to keep people up to date with the work being done by Dr. Kerry Muhlestein and his associates. Check back, they are always up to new and exciting things!

Dr. Muhlestein

Dr. Muhlestein
Working on Photos at the Bent Pyramid

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Upcoming Lecture

Dr. Muhlestein will be doing a lecture this Saturday at 9 am as part of the Sydney B. Sperry Symposium. He will be lecturing on the way the presence of God is described in the Old Testament. You can learn more about the symposium at http://rsc.byu.edu/symposia/sperry

New Article

Kerry Muhlestein and Kristin South have published a new article about the excavation: “Regarding Ribbons: The spread and use of narrow purpose-woven bands in Late Roman Egyptian burials,” in Drawing the threads together: Textiles and footwear of the 1st millennium AD from Egypt, Antoine De Moor, Cäcilia Fluck, Petra Linscheid, eds. (Tielt, Belgium: Lanoo, 2013), 56-73.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Excavation Work moving along

We recently had our first excavation team meeting of the academic year. I am excited to see all the good things so many people are doing. We are moving forward on creating our database, on publishing a catalogue of our textiles and some interim work, on conserving the materials we have, on firming up our excavation plans for this year, and on publishing some articles about our pyramid. David Whitchurch and Kerry Muhlestein just submitted and article to the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology about the stelae from the Excavation. Many more good things are in the works.

We have such a great team, and so many things are moving along so well. It is going to be a promising year.

Review of Lectures in Newspaper

Deseret News just posted a review of my lectures on the Book of Abraham. You can find them at http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865588253/Whats-new-BYU-scholar-shares-latest-research-on-book-of-Abraham.html

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Interview Available

The interview with Martin Tanner is now available online. You can listen at http://img.ksl.com/audio/2013_09_29_religion_today.mp3 We talk about my books that have come out, my lectures that have come out, and the Book of Abraham.