Why This Blog?

This blog is to keep people up to date with the work being done by Dr. Kerry Muhlestein and his associates. Check back, they are always up to new and exciting things!

Dr. Muhlestein

Dr. Muhlestein
Working on Photos at the Bent Pyramid

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Excavation Work moving along

We recently had our first excavation team meeting of the academic year. I am excited to see all the good things so many people are doing. We are moving forward on creating our database, on publishing a catalogue of our textiles and some interim work, on conserving the materials we have, on firming up our excavation plans for this year, and on publishing some articles about our pyramid. David Whitchurch and Kerry Muhlestein just submitted and article to the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology about the stelae from the Excavation. Many more good things are in the works.

We have such a great team, and so many things are moving along so well. It is going to be a promising year.

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