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This blog is to keep people up to date with the work being done by Dr. Kerry Muhlestein and his associates. Check back, they are always up to new and exciting things!

Dr. Muhlestein

Dr. Muhlestein
Working on Photos at the Bent Pyramid

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reaching people

The Essential Old Testament Companion has sold about 8000 copies, and I am hearing from many people how much it is helping them understand the Old Testament. I am glad to see so many benefit from it. I hear from many about how it is helping their Old Testament Study.

Return Unto Me has now reached well over 1,000 readers. I am happy about this, but I think the book has so much potential to help so many people that I will not be satisfied until it reaches a far wider audience. Anything you can do to help people learn about this book and its message would be appreciated.

This is why getting the book out there means so much to me: A sweet lady in her 70's recently told me that this book has changed her life. She said that after all these years she now more fully understands her relationship with God, and that she feels closer to God than ever in her life. She says she finds more joy and comfort in almost every aspect of life. Nothing could make me more happy than to help someone in this way!

The Book of Abraham CD's have reached nearly 2000 people. Enough people have been helped that I am getting a few requests for interviews and articles regarding this work. Book of Abraham work is pressing on! 

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